Kaushik's Blog

A Miss

I missed a day of blogging yesterday. I traveled to meet family, then I spent the rest of my day hanging out with aforementioned family.

I'm okay with missing a day for that reason.

Perhaps I could've been better prepared. Written something in advance. Done a two-fer a previous day, perhaps.

Self-flagellation of this sort is pointless. I think it's more important to move on.

This advice from Atomic Habits rings true to me: never miss twice.

Missing a day is fine. It happens.

Missing a couple of days in a row is the start of a pattern. After all, every one of my protracted gaps in writing began with two skipped days before extending to three and beyond.

We act like missing one day of writing blogging means we simply weren’t meant to be a writer blogger.

Fixed that for you, James Clear.