Kaushik's Blog

A to M - A puzzle

A was the book I just finished reading, written by B and published in 1818. The eponymous character A is often popularly confused with his creation C. The subtitle of the book is "The Modern D", the Greek Titan known for stealing fire from the gods. The term "The Modern D" was actually coined by the German philosopher E to refer to his contemporary inventor F and his experiments with electricity.

B's maiden name, Godwin, is the name of a character played by G in the Oscar-winning 2023 movie, H (which I watched recently). The character Godwin, whose features resemble the creation C, used electricity to create the movie's protagonist, played by "I" who won the Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal.

"I"'s character was created from the body of a drowned pregnant woman. In a real-world parallel, Harriet Westbrook was also with child when she died in 1816, abandoned by the poet J, who married B that same year, known as The Year Without a Summer due to the staggering amount of rainfall that led to crop failures, which prompted a mass exodus of people from Vermont, including the family of K, who reported a visit from an angel who directed him to a book of golden plates, which he translated and published as "L", now a successful, irreverent Broadway musical (which I also watched recently), written by the creators of the long-running, also irreverent TV show M.

Answers are here.
