Kaushik's Blog


Oops, I hiatus-ed again.

I actually had some good reasons though.

I'd share them, except I happened to read this today:

The problem with smart people is they can come up with a good reason for not doing anything. They are experts at justifying their lack of courage or lack of action with an intelligent excuse.

My favourite - a criticism only applicable if I am, indeed, smart.

While I identified some drawbacks of publishing every day, the fact of the matter is that I spent more time writing and publishing and thinking about writing and publishing in that month than in the 5 weeks since.

So forget about justifying the hiatus.

I'm back at it. Today. August 9, 2024.

That means there's another 144 days to go this year.

This post is exactly 144 words long.

It's a new start, but a gross one.