Kaushik's Blog

I Created a Now Page

Today's been a long day. I participated in the Jersey City Ward Tour, a fun but haphazardly organized event where a crowd of ~3000 bikers of all ages rode around the various neighbourhoods of Jersey City. Because of the organization weirdness, it took about 3.5 hours to cover 16 miles, made no easier by the sweltering heat of the day.

All of this is to provide a semblance of an excuse for not writing a "proper" post. Instead, this is a notification of my newly created "Now" page.

I came across this concept from Derek Sivers, as a big-picture way to answer the question "What are you doing now?" Less of "where did you go for dinner last night?" and more "what's going on in your life these days?"

Bits from WhatsApp messages and conversations with friends are now collected in a single Now page. It seems like a nice thing to have as I fashion this blog into my own space.