Kaushik's Blog

Movie Review: Burn After Reading

Burn After Reading may be one of the best movies that doesn't get talked about enough. It's yet another Coen Brothers masterpiece and a personal favourite.

George Clooney, John Malkovich, and Frances McDormand star in leading roles, but the standout character is the overly excitable gym guy played by Brad Pitt (“Osbourne Cox, I have… your shit”).

The plot is simultaneously the most and least important part of the movie. It's an entertaining sequence of escalating mishaps and bad decisions that rival the Coens’ Fargo, but the character work is what carries the story. Everyone is stupid, selfish, careless, or all three, but in an enjoyable, and even sometimes endearing, manner.

At a crisp 96 minute runtime, this is a joyful, hilarious watch (particularly the scenes with J.K. Simmons and Karl from Succession).

Heartily recommend.

gd2md-html: xyzzy Fri Aug 16 2024

Footnote 1: The above post was 136 words long. There are 136 days left in the year.