Kaushik's Blog

State of the Garden State Garden

My thumb isn’t green so much as like a nitrogen-deficient leaf: greenish-yellowish at best.

That said, I do enjoy tending to my houseplants.

In my previous, balconied apartment, I had a huge pot with marigolds that was laughably low maintenance. The bright red-yellow flowers bloomed, withered, reseeded the pot; the Northeastern precipitation moistened the soil; then, come springtime, the flowers would magically reappear.

The Christmas cactus is my favourite. Three years ago, I bought it studded with flowers, all of which promptly died. I fastidiously watered it over the next year and, in reward, received...absolutely nothing. No buds. No hints of buds. Yet I persisted, bucking all naysayers, watering and sunning it, and last winter, I was overjoyed to see the pink flowers again.

Other honourable mentions:

Footnote 1: The above post was 142 words long (4,142 including the pictures). There are 142 days left in the year.

Footnote 2: While I'm not an avid consumer of gardening YouTube, this video is the epitome of houseplant goals.