Kaushik's Blog

Suddenly, a quiz!

1. Name the City

This city is located in the same US state as the other city that was originally called New Amsterdam.

Some theories about the origins of the city's name are:

  1. French explorers stole a horse belonging to Native Americans and served it to their party, claiming it was a different kind of meat.
  2. Many bison grazed in the area; bison are often confused with another kind of animal.
  3. The name is a corruption of the French for "beautiful river". A music festival by that French name takes place annually in the city.

2. Two Anagrams

Racial segregation on a trip via an NY <-> NJ train

3. What event? Name the movies.

While shooting a climactic scene in the final movie of the trilogy, care was taken to avoid a resemblance to a (then recent) event.

Sound effects for the scene were made from breaking glass rather than any kind of explosion.

The second movie of the trilogy escaped controversy despite being quite unfortunately named, in light of the (then recent) event.


The answers are on this page.
