Kaushik's Blog

What I did when I was alone

When my wife was out of town this past week, I did some things differently. I completed watching a movie she suggested we abandon midway. I listened to podcasts without my headphones on. I even bought dinner from Chipotle.

And out of the things I kept the same as usual, one seemed worth pondering: I would close the bathroom door every time I went.

Now why did I do that?

In a locked house with only one inhabitant, it would be more optimal to keep the bathroom door open, to be forewarned of noises from the front door. The entire house is a bastion of privacy, so the additional closed door doesn't add anything.

I suppose it comes down to force of habit.

As far as habits go, this seems like a good one that I have no intention of changing. But it did prod me to consider if there are other habits we take for granted that might be worth reevaluating.

At this point, if I were a LinkedIn influencer, I would exhort you to take inspiration from the preceding anecdote, to take a closer look at the practices normalized in your place of work, critically rethink them, and streamline those processes to leverage synergies, maximize professional productivity, and unlock your true latent potential.

Unfortunately, this post may be even more vacuous than that. I don't have any other examples of such habits to share.

The genesis of this idea came to me while I was showering in the very bathroom under discussion. I suppose the lesson is that some things, like this very idea, should be confined there.