Kaushik's Blog

Watches Are Top Class, Honestly

Couple of years ago, a friend dearly extolled the virtues of Watches.

I didn't think much of it.

Then, last year, something changed.

I became the recipient of not one, but two Watches.

Zany though the Capitalization of a common Noun may seem, I think it’s warranted.

Every time I wear a Watch, the slight heft of the metal strap pleases me.

Nowadays, I habitually wiggle my wrists, adjusting the strap into that optimal, perfectly comfortable position.

The addition of a Watch immediately elevates the simplest T-shirt and jeans ensemble.

In social situations, sometimes, the Watch is discussed, passed around (as are others’ Watches), and admired.

Simply wearing a Watch boosts my confidence, adding a spring to my step.

So, yes - Watches are indeed great.

Occasionally, infrequently, when my phone's not at hand, I use it for another purpose.

To check the time.

Footnote 1: Today's post (above) consisted of 143 words. There are 143 days left in the year. Not so gross anymore.

Footnote 2: Do you know the brands of my Watches?